
From Russia with Love

Haven't we all heard of the magic mantra to happiness- an English Home, American Salary, Chinese Food and an Indian Wife?Looks like the men are catching up, take a look at what I read in The Hindu -

"Import Indian bridegrooms for Russian brides”
-Vladimir Radyuhin

New Russian magic mantra to reverse alarming fall in the country’s birth rate

MOSCOW: Desperate to reverse a steep decline in their numbers, Russians are coming up with some bold ideas on how to overcome Russia’s demographic crisis.
A Russian feminist has proposed a radical solution to the falling birth rate — importing Indian bridegrooms for Russian girls. Maria Arbatova, writer and TV moderator, who married an Indian businessman a few years ago “after 25 years of keeping marrying Russians”, thinks Indian men make ideal husbands.

Why do Indian men make ideal husbands?Let's see -

1)The Indian man's affinity towards reproduction is well known.

Well I can't think of any reasons because I don't know if there is a typical Indian male. Every Indian man I can think of now seems, to me, completely different from the other. O but you do realise I am only speaking for the urban, educated middles class when I say this. Earlier atleast with the strict patriachal structures one could pin a man down. But the modern Indian man comes a little differently, doesn't he?

What do you think- does the modern (urban-educated)Indian male protoype exist? If he does, how is he? And what makes him a good catch for matrimony?


Anonymous said...

LOL! Funny that you are wondering if there is a stereotype/prototype...

And the answer's me?


ashwini said...

JL thanks for being the only one who responded. and now since you have that honour you also have that responsibility of filling in the answers .....what makes you the protype?...kindly describe yourself...and explain why you would be a good catch matrimony-wise...

Anonymous said...

i think basically we prototypes are the saadhu/patni-poojari kinds who consider marriage very sacrosanct and their wives the centre of the universe....

so, women find it very flattering, i assume, especially russian women who have been through rough marriages!

*bows to the applause, following that amazing reasoning*

- JL

Anonymous said...

We demand new posts. New posts please?

Anonymous said...

There are two prototypes(this word seems kinda weird - feel like I m part of a science experiment).

1. The one who cheats
2. The one who doesn't

Most of the male prototypes fall into either of the two with various psychological makeups producing a truly vast array of Male subjects.

The reason they make good husbands is they dont have the skills to cheat, given a chance these same men would jump onto the cheating bandwagon.

But I am surprised that Indian women aren't mentioned here, wasnt this land full of sati savitri prototypes? :P

ashwini said...

wow i had given up on my blog....and suddenly i'm here and suddenly i have this new comment!

well..anon:- the most important question here being.....do you have the skills?